About Anveshane

The word Anveshane (ಅನ್ವೇಷಣೆ) means to hunt, pursuit, quest, explore and search.

We heard that it takes a lifetime to understand what Life is. But we were hustling to find it before it is too late. The never ending quest of humans to seek (Mukti) ‘salvation’. Fortunately, we found ways for it. Thanks to technology and various Gurus who made us understand in our early stages of Life. Thus we turned our learnings into a blog. We try to keep things simple.

As Edith Wharton says

There are two ways of spreading light,

to be the candle or the mirror that reflects it.

Anveshane is the mirror you were looking for. Anveshane focuses on Mind, Body, and Technology. To write about the same, we gathered inputs from the ancient wisdom of Veda, Upanishad, BhagwadGita, Puranas, Mythology, Yoga, Ayurveda and blended with findings of modern sciences as Psychology, Cell Biology, Physics, and Chemistry. Referring from Quantum Mechanics to Black Holes only if it is matters and useful.


The most beautiful thing in the universe.It is what makes you. It is one which shatters you.It is the one which shapes how we Live. We will get between 35 and 48 thoughts per minute per person, that is around 50,000-70,000 thoughts per day. It is very important how you control your mind. We will write about ways to follow practically. We will write about Mind, the psychology and physiology behind it.


According to recent findings, there are 37.2 trillion cells in our body. It is very important to feed and take care of them. Cells make you. It is your duty to take care of the body for a sound mind.At, Anveshane we are trying to throw some light on it based on our readings to make you healthy and Doctor free.


Technology has become an indispensable part of our Life. Without it we are nothing. It is a tool to share, care and rejoice. Without technology, even this blog would not have been possible. We write about Apps, tools and tricks for you to become productive.

Are we perfect?

NO, we are just evangelists for the best out there.We are trying to share the same in a simple way using analogies and metaphors.May be you as a reader should correct us when we go wrong. Thank you.

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