We all fall sick. It is very important to fall sick at times. It keeps a check on your immune system.People with strong immune system heal faster whereas the people with immune system take...
These TED talks are chosen based on our own theme of Anveshane: Mind, Body and Technology. These are our hand picks from 1000’s of TED talks out there which are based on Mind, Body and...
Mobile has become an indispensable asset in our Lives. Smartphones can be productive and destructive too. For students, it is still more difficult to choose what is best in the Internet era. So, we...
We all know English matters. People are fond of people who speak English fluently in a professional way. But learning proficient English has been hard. Here are many apps which will help to learn...
Here are our Top 10 Movies to Watch in Student Life to motivate and inspire you. 1.The Pursuit of Happyness (2006) 2. Forest Gump (1994) 3. The Shawshank Redemption (1994) 4. Hachiko (2009) 5. The...
We always heard that books have changed lives. Most of the successful people have always acknowledged that they were an avid reader. Books have changed our lives too. It is very important to read...
We all need a Guru at some time in Life. Some need at 17 and some prefer at 70. There are 1000’s of Spiritual Gurus all over the world. Choosing the right one is...